Certification of Cylinders

When working with the use of technical gases, safety standards must be observed. One of them is a periodic check of the integrity and tightness of the cylinder. Depending on the material of manufacture, their examination and relevant tests are carried out with the following frequency:

carbon steel and metal composite materials – every 3 years;
alloy steel – every 5 years.
If any damage is detected on the surface of the cylinder, certification should be carried out immediately.

An attested cylinder is marked under the neck on a special plate, where, in addition to the manufacturer’s data and capacity parameters, the date of the last certification is indicated.

Certification Procedure

According to the law, only authorized organizations, to which our company belongs, can carry out a gas cylinder operability test. A prerequisite is the availability of trained personnel, special equipment, facilities.

The algorithm for the work is as follows:

  • inspection of the tank for physical defects – dents, cracks, chips;
  • verification of data in the product passport for compliance with statutory requirements;
  • inspection and reliability check of the valve;
  • high pressure test.

The results are recorded in the passport of the cylinder and on the metal plate. You can order certification of a gas cylinder in our company. You can get answers to questions by phone – leave the data in the form below.


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